Sunday, September 29, 2024

Endicott Arm Alaska

 Today we are cruising Endicott Arm Alaska and it did not disappoint. 

This narrow fjord is located approximately 50 miles southeast of Juneau and is part of the Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness area. Breathtaking Endicott Arm extends over 30 miles long, with nearly one-fifth of its area covered in ice. At the head of the fjord, tidewater glaciers, such as the Dawes Glacier, regularly expel enormous chunks of ice into the waters below in a magnificent process known as calving. During the summer when Princess ships visit, icebergs float along the surface of the glistening water in an array of sizes, from just a few inches up to three stories wide.

Alaska is renowned for its breathtaking natural wonders, and Endicott Arm Glacier is no exception. This stunning fjord, part of the Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness, offers visitors an unparalleled opportunity to witness the raw power and beauty of a tidewater glacier up close.

The adventure begins as your vessel navigates the 30-mile-long Endicott Arm, a glacier-carved fjord framed by towering granite cliffs and cascading waterfalls. The turquoise waters are often dotted with floating icebergs, creating a mesmerizing, otherworldly scene. As you draw closer to the glacier, the air grows crisper, and the anticipation of seeing this icy giant builds.

Tonight’s dinner theme was 50s diner, and it was a total blast! The dancers came in swinging—literally—decked out in fun 50s-style clothes, and the whole place was decorated like we’d stepped back in time. This was clearly the hot spot for the night because there was a line to get in. We ended up sharing a table with some new friends because it was packed.

Now, let’s talk about the ship’s version of a lobster roll... not quite what I was expecting. I’m usually super easy to please, but this? It was more like a roll with a tiny lobster mixture on top. Even the person next to me was like, “This is not a real lobster roll.” East Coast purists, beware! But no worries—there’s always plenty of other delicious stuff to eat, so I definitely didn’t go hungry.

Tonight was the comedian Phil Tag who looks like Bing /Matthew Perry from friends and he was hilarious. He just came off another cruise lie and hoppe on ours. I think it's funny when they make fun of cruise passengers. 

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